Wednesday, 29 February 2012


Ode à la gluante, épaisse, celle qui pousse dans ton zen comme une grossesse.
Elle s'impose dans tous les milieux, chez le nanti, le pic assiette, le prëtre et le peureux.
Certains en parlent en jeans déchirés à l'Olympia,
D'autres l'habillent d'une robe de poudre blanche à Formentera.
Mon monde n'est pas rose à cause de toi KHNOUNA.
Ta couleur kaki, sèche, sanglante me rappelle les larmes de Gaza.
Dommage, comme mon caca, je veux te voir, savoir quelle gueule tu as!
J'ai une tendresse pour ma merde!
Ma crasseuse!
Plus elle est grosse, moins la sensation est haineuse.
Bizar! Plus c'est dégueulasse et moins je m'en lasse!
Peut-etre que tout ce qui sort de nos trous nous rappelle juste qu'on y finira... dans un trou!
Alors quoi, j'aime la mort? Pour l'instant, je préfère ma KHNOUNA!

Sunday, 26 February 2012

Now that I'm older...

29 years old, 29 years of bitter joy...
I laughed, I cried, I smiled but I cried first I guess.
Born in a farm, closer to l'Auvergne,
Je me suis pris des sacrées beignes.
J'ai vu les femmes souffrir, sourir et mourir.
I saw their sacred sorrow, down to earth, their heart I follow.

J'ai vu les hommes chialer, pleurer, beugler...
They wanted love, they got shit from les mal-aimées.
I saw creatures, animals, sweet babies and violence...
Now I own years of remembrance, memories and violence.
30 years and what's next? 
Love, marriage, hatred, hope for the best...
Leave this to subway clients, those sleeping to escape life and remain peasants.
I tried to be a king, I tried to find my queen.
Defeat baby, bad victory, fake contest full of cosmetic.
Their life is full, happy, wonderful and robotic.
I will end like a Robocop, paranoid in order to get hypnotic.

At least 300 is a better number.
Real visuals and cinema jewel.
I am Gerald Butler, I have no abs,
Just the belly of a baby and pride over shame when I will turn 30.

Now that I'm older... my love for doggies grew
My adoration for humans flew.

By Demonsandiosas. (picture reppin youth, youth and youth. I love u girls)

Thursday, 23 February 2012

VM to the beyond!

Sending him messages on his voice mail.
He sends me back signs on Earth for me to keep writing my tale.
The joy he provides en Esta Tierra is huge.
But if Eden is better. Then kill my soul and take me there...
I hate the way you love me,
Only because I will never be able to reach even one drop of the level of love and forgiveness you provide me.
I hope each beat of my poor heart can say sorry for the mistakes of my misery.
My mother who loves me the most apparently felt bad and insulted me.
You never did and I love you until the end, when the depth of my flesh will receive punishment for all the sins I was aware of in this life.
Please, keep loving me, loving us. Your test is difficult but when you show us your presence, I wonder if your beauty equals a sunset? Amar es mi vida, Life is about living period...
 Thank you ya Allah.

Friday, 3 February 2012

1009 Nights

In a desert of love, a flying carpet was flying above dusts of desires. He stopped at the door of an oasis of hope to drink the milk of her blood. She poisoned his power for him to stay and drown in moving salt...
She was a turquoise vision in an ocean of gold powder. El Sahara was the name of his universe but that planet he fell in was soooooo small and did not appear dangerous that he just embraced the moment and drank the poison of GOD... Gold Of the Devil.

By Demonsandiosas.